
This is a page dedicated to information, classes and other details that is thought to be particularly helpful for Muslim women. You can ask questions related to menstruation and other such issues and learn if there are any relevant classes or articles.

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Biographies of our Female Scholars

Ustadha Umm Huzayfah

Ustadha Umm Huzayfah (wife of Mufti Abdur Rahman Mangera) was raised in the UK where she attended Jami’at ul-Imam, a madrasa in Bradford, England for 5 years. There, she completed the ‘Alimah course of study covering many of the Islamic sciences which she studied exclusively with female scholars. After graduating, she continued to teach fiqh and Hadith at the same seminary. Umm Huzayfah, a mother of four, also previously taught Islamic classes in USA and at a children’s school affiliated with the Islamic Society of Santa Barbara, USA. She specializes in the fiqh of menstruation (hayd), post-natal bleeding (nifas) and dysfunctional uterine bleeding (istihada). Currently she teaches the women’s Advanced Islamic Studies course at Masjid a Quba as well as classes at ZamZam Academy. .

Ustadha Umm Yusuf Abdul Sattar

Ustadha Umm Yusuf A. Sattar completed the 4-year Dars Nizami syllabus from Jamia Zainab, Lahore in 2007. Graduating with honors, she received her Alimiyya degree, as well as ijaza from her teachers in the various classical disciplines, such as Arabic, Hadith, Hanafi Fiqh, Tafsir, etc. After completing her formal studies abroad, she has continued learning and studying, focusing on the most relevant issues facing Muslim women (family and inter-personal relations, marriage, divorce, raising children, maintaining modesty, menstruation and purification, and alleviating the diseases of the heart). She has taken several advanced-level courses specializing in the fiqh of menstruation with Mufti Abdur-Rahman.

She helps run, an online traditional learning program started with her husband, Khalid Abdul Sattar. Born and raised in the U.S. Umm Yusuf has received a BA with double honors in Biology and Political Science. She also received her Master’s in Journalism from Columbia University. She currently resides in the U.S. with her husband and children.






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  1. Salam Alykum,
    I have a question if that is OK. I always see negative reactions when women ask about good deeds or even rewards. We all can agree that everyone desires to spend alot of time with those who they love and care about. The other day on a website I saw a question asked by a woman on if the fact that since men get Hoor in paradise does that mean that women spend less time with their husbands? Then automatically whoever answered the question said this is selfish and possessive. So for a woman to desire to spend lots of time with her husband is selfish? I mean even men desire to spend lets of time with their wives, why isn’t that also considered selfish and possessive? Does that mean men are allowed to desire to spend lots of time with their wives which is why they get that. But women cannot desire the same as this is selfish on their part? Does that mean that women should desire to spend little or no time with their husbands? Does the presence of Hoor actually reduce the time a woman spends with her husband which is why desiring to spend more time with one’s husband is selfish?